Trips and excursions

School outings and trips have a quite specific educational, didactic and social value. They are school activities. They must therefore have a clear connection with the social, pedagogical and/or didactic objectives of teaching and be prepared and followed up in classroom activities.

Guidelines for school outings and trips organized by the nursery and primary departments of the European Schools


Educational visits

The curriculum for nursery and primary cycles attaches great importance to environmental studies and learning by observation and practice. It is with this in mind that educational visits and excursions are organised during the year.

The maximum duration of an outing is one day.

Educational trips

The school organises educational trips (classes transplantées) for the primary classes. All educational trips are organised by the trip Coordinator of the level concerned.

Primary 1 Farm classes
Primary 2 Sea classes
Primary 3 Green classes
Primary 4 Snow classes
Primary 5 Language trip France (L2 FR)

Or Language trip Centre (L2 EN)

Or Language trip Germany (L2 DE)

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