Orientation – choice of courses
2024/2025 Orientation calendar
Specific information per YEAR GROUP:
- The European Baccalaureate Handbook: A Guide for European Baccalaureate Candidatesavailable on www.eursc.eu -> “The European Baccalaureate”.
- The Bac Handbooks 2025:Handbook EB 2025_DE.pdf Handbook EB 2025_FR.pdf
- Deadline for requesting subject changes between S6 & S7 : Friday March 21, 2025
- Subjects Survey :Subjects SURVEY 24-25
- Tutorial Survey (help video): Video Help Survey
- Video Help Parents meetings: EN S5 Video Help Parents 24-25
- Booklet of S6-S7 : Brochure 2024-2025 EN.pdf
- 2025-2026 Grids of choices : January 24th 2025
- S6 2024-2025 Grids of choices : 2324-Grids-All sections-EN.pdf
- Video Tutorial : Fill in the Grid + STS course : S5 Grilles-EN Feb 2024 TutoriAL.mp4 (published on 26/02)
Career guidance, explanation of the choice mathematics 4 or 6 periods/w and optional courses for the next cycle (s4 &s5) .
Session with students at school: Tuesday, 3rd December 2024, in P2-P3; career guidance& explanation of choices for cycle S4/S5.
Parent/student and Orientation teacher evening (ONLINE) – Thursday, 5th December 2024 between 5.30-7.00 pm: presentation of choices/optional courses – rules and constraints. Meeting held by the Orientation teacher and mathematics teacher (etc.) by national section.
Please use the TEAMS link (by national section) for this purpose sent by mail
Brochure with the general rules and a presentation of the optional courses offered in s4/5: GENERAL RULES & OPTIONAL COURSES 25-26 ENG .pdf
The enrolment form (to be completed and returned by January 17, 2025, at the very latest) to the head teacher of the class. ENROLMENT FORM ENG S4 start 2025.pdf
An explanatory video of the choices/optional courses, rules and constraints for s4/s5 : VIDEO explanatory ENG
Orientation calendar 24-25: Orientation Calendar 24-25 ENG.pdf