Citizens of the ocean world
Drawing made during the ocean drawing competition, organized for World Ocean Day on June 8th, 2021 in Berkendael.
Do you know why the ocean is so important in our lives?
Can we protect it, even when we live 100 km from the sea like in Brussels? How ?
The teaching of sustainable development is stipulated in the curricula of the European Schools. The school community (students, teachers, assistants, management, parents) is committed to the subject of the oceans. The two sites of our school share the same project, a few kilometers apart.
Follow the news published here on the school website to participate in the activities carried out!
Our school joined the network of European blue schools last academic year, with a initial awareness project on the Berkendael site.
This year, our school is betting on raising awareness among the majority of students, regardless of their age or language section! But also betting on including families !
How ?
Here are the events planned in our school:
- April 2022: Launch of our project with the awareness-raising event “Here begins the sea” “Hier begint de zee” in front of the school manhole covers and around the school.
- April 2022: Publication of an interview with Thomas Lesage -founder of the Children for the Oceans association- prepared by P3 students. Thomas Lesage will be the star guest welcomed to the school on World Ocean Day.
- May 2022: Meetings between volunteer classes, authors and oceanographers.
- From 10 to 31 May 2022: competition of recycled jellyfish mobiles on the Berkendael site.
Pupils, families, teachers, … are welcome to participate.
Go to the seabed without fear: click here to see the video
- In June, two exhibitions will be opened in the school:
- “Trésors de la Mer du Nord” – WWF
- “Galerie de l’océan” – Greenpeace, presented during the Brussels Comics Festival in 2019
Successively installed in Berkendael and then in Uccle, it introduces pupils to citizen action towards the oceans. Click on the exhibitions to visit them online 🙂
- June 7th, 2022: Thomas Lesage will be hosted successively on the Berkendael site then on the Uccle site to meet students from our school throughout the day.
6 p.m.: A conference open to the entire educational community of the European Schools (parents, pupils, teachers of the European Schools network) will be offered online with Thomas Lesage as a guest. Thomas Lesage will talk about his commitment to the oceans as a young person. To end the conference, classes from European schools working around the ocean will present their actions.
- June 8th, 2022: World Oceans Day.
In Uccle, the artistic achievements of the secondary school pupils were presented to the other pupils.
In Berkendael, the chef and the kitchen team prepared a “responsible ocean” meal for the pupils with a salmon-curry soup as a starter, then sea bream and ratatouille and a floating island for dessert!
A delicious meal with the aim of raising awareness of responsible eating by discovering the MSC label (posters displayed in the canteen).
The pupils were given a festive placemat and played the game of finding the fish cooked as the main course.
On this occasion, the “EMC in My Country” label offered each pupil a fabric top bag. Ideal for not using plastic bags anymore 🙂
- End of June 2022: Posters on the knowledge acquired by the students and the actions carried out in connection with this project will be posted in our school to perpetuate our commitment to preserving the oceans.
Projet subventionné par l’APEEE
School certified “European Blue School” and participant in the “European Maritime Day in My Country 2022”