The mission of EEB I
To provide a quality multilingual and multicultural education in a safe and nurturing learning environment
Based on trust and respect, the school celebrates diversity and recognizes the value of effort, critical thinking and cooperation to achieve excellence.
The school news
In general
- General news
Our pupils excel in the DELF: a key step for the future!
Great news ! Over 50 students from EEB1 took the DELF scolaire B1 and B2 exams on March 12 […]
- General news
eTwinning Projects at EEB1: Celebrating International Collaboration and Recognition
We are thrilled to share the achievements of last year’s eTwinning projects at EEB1, which brought international collaboration and […]
In nursery & primary
- Nursery & Primary – Berkendael
Dear readers, The new edition of BERKEN’MAGZ is now available. -> BERKEN’MAGZ N° 18 Enjoy reading it!
- Nursery and Primary - Uccle
7 kwietnia obchodziliśmy Światowy Dzień Zdrowia – z tej okazji klasa piąta z polskiej sekcji językowej zorganizowała 17 kwietnia […]
In secondary
- Charity Secondary
Guatemala Solidarity Project: Let’s get involved together!
Throughout the year, our school has been mobilising to support vulnerable children and women in Guatemala. Thanks to an […]
- Secondary
The First EEB1 Carnival
On February 19th, EEB1 celebrated the first Carnival in its history! Bringing together eleven classes from S1 to S3, […]