School curriculum – Uccle site

The syllabuses of all the language sections are – with the exception of mother tongue – identical and the same standards are required to be met. All the syllabuses followed in the different sections lead up to the same examination: the European Baccalaureate.

The syllabuses are available on the website of the Office of the Secretary General of the European Schools (BSGEE).    ->"Syllabuses and Attainment descriptors"



Early education ” program

Teaching and learning in the early years is holistic and different areas of development are not separated. The programme covers the two years of the nursery cycle.

The core content of the Early Education Curriculum consists of four areas: “Me and my body”, “Me as a person”, “Me and the others” and “Me and the world”. These areas are based on physical, psychological, social, cognitive and emotional development of children.

Classes often mix 4 and 5 year old children.

More information on the BSGEE website.


In the primary school the focus is on mother tongue, mathematics and the first foreign language, but art, music, physical education, discovery of the world and religion/ethics are important – as are the “European Hours”, where mixed nationalities meet for a variety of activities.​

For more information, please visit the “Organisation of studies” page of the BSGEE website.


-> Second language

-> Teaching of mathematics